Lords of the Valley
The action of the Lords of the Valley take place in the river valley, which is in danger because of unexpected droughts and floods. The players impersonates into the roles of farmers, local authorities, bank and ecological non-governmental organizations. The participants set objectives on their own, which are their trying to achieve. They are facing numerous of challenges, born by the decisions of other players and the unpredictability of the environment.
The game gives the opportunity to understand how important the biodiversity is and how the lack of cooperation and communication between different groups of interests makes finding the optimal solution impossible. If the residents of the river valley will be able to establish effective dialogue, the welfare of each player will not safer.
The challenges, which solving complicate problems in Lords of the Valley gives are connecting with the fascinating dynamics of human relationships. Game engages and educates and in the same time perfectly entertains.
The game, develop in the project will be the board game, adapted for children and youth needs version of the game used during the professional training in business environment.